Manufacturing cost analyst

Place of work
ZF Slovakia a.s., Strojárenská 2, Trnava
Contract type
Wage (gross)
2 117 EUR/monthMonthly wage from 2 117 € (including basic wage component *, bonuses and premiums). The salary depends on the qualifications and experience of the candidate.

Information about the position

Job description, responsibilities and duties

  • Collect and analyze cost and operations data from a range of sources (cost breakdowns, supplier documentation, plant visits, technical changes) to calculate business impact, e.g. investment in equipment
  • Analyze and challenge cost of systems and tooling in projects from engineering phases until end of production based on technical documentation and prerequisites (volume, footprint etc.).
Information and Business Advice:
  • Based on facts and data, analyze and explain how to reach optimal cost for the technology/business in scope.
  • Provide transparency on re/manufacturing unit cost (cost-of goods-sold) for cross functional teams to take appropriate actions (e.g process improvements).
  • Conduct internal and external cost benchmarking focused on e.g. re/manufacturing footprint optimization, process performance gaps, support of make vs. buy decisions.
  • Develop in-depth understanding of industry costing/cost engineering best practices, share knowledge across Div B to enable performance improvement in re/manufacturing operations. Provide support for updates of process costing standards.

Employee perks, benefits

  • an interesting remuneration system with a wide range of financial benefits
  • surcharge for transportation
  • 13th salary
  • 14th salary
  • loyalty bonus
  • job jubilee bonus
  • DDS up to 6% of the employer's contribution
  • additional extra fees
  • superior medical examinations
  • significant staff subsidy
  • professional training (also abroad)
  • account of working time
  • offer of holiday stays for employees

* base salary according to §62 ods. 2 Zákona č. 5/2004 Z. z. o službách zamestnanosti v znení neskorších predpisov: from 1 460 €

Information about the selection process

CV zašlite cez link:

Requirements for the employee

Candidates with education suit the position

University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)
Postgraduate (Doctorate)

Educational Specialization

University degree in economic field

Language skills

English - Upper intermediate (B2)

Other knowledge

Microsoft Excel - Advanced
Microsoft Word - Advanced
Microsoft PowerPoint - Advanced
Microsoft Outlook - Advanced

Driving licence


Experience in the position/sector

Min. 3 years experience with cost analytics in automotive industry

Number of years of experience


Personality requirements and skills

  • Experience with cost analytics in automotive industry (3+ years)
  • Deep understanding of cost engineering process and approaches
  • Experience in using value analysis/engineering & cost modelling techniques
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Excel - Advanced
  • Ability to apply problem-solving techniques to project-related issues
  • Organizational & self-organization skills
  • English skills (min. B2 level)
  • Willingness to work in heterogenous, global team


Brief description of the company

Koncern ZF je celosvetovo tretím najväčším dodávateľom pre automobilový priemysel. Spoločnosť ZF Slovakia patrí medzi najväčších a najstabilnejších zamestnávateľov. Na Slovensku pôsobí koncern od roku 1993 a dnes zamestnáva viac ako 3000 zamestnancov.

Výroba v závode Trnava: spojky, dvojhmotové zotrvačníky, meniče krútiacehio momentu.

Výroba v závode Levice: moduly hnacieho ústrojenstva, technológie tlmenia, podvozkové komponenty.

Výroba v závode Šahy: technológie tlmenia

Výroba v závode Detva: podvozkové komponenty

Výroba v závode Komárno: spojky

ZF Slovakia, a.s., Prevádzková jednotka Moduly hnacieho ústrojenstva, závod Trnava

Produktové portfólio trnavského závodu, ktorý v rámci koncernu ZF vznikol na Slovensku ako prvý už v roku 1993, tvoria spojky pre osobné automobily, meniče krútiaceho momentu a dvojhmotové zotrvačníky. V súčasnosti závod zamestnáva viac ako 1500 zamestnancov. V závode sú sústredené špičkové výrobné technológie z oblasti lisovania, tepelného spracovania, trieskového obrábania, zvárania, chemickej výroby a montáže aj s vysokým stupňom automatizácie. Závod disponuje aj vlastnou nástrojárňou.

V Trnave pôsobí tiež výskumno-vývojový tím aplikačného vývoja a je tu lokalizované aj Centrum zdieľaných služieb pre slovenské závody.

Výroba smeruje k širokej škále automobilových zákazníkov, medzi najvýznamnejších patria VW, Ford, PSA, GM a Volvo.

Number of employees

1000 and more employees


Contact person: Ing. Lucia Karvašová
E-mail: send CV